Ilze Berzins

This faux blog has been created for Search Engine Optimization. Here I mention Latvians and Latvia in Toronto, Latvians in Montreal, Latvians in USA, exciting books, shocking revelations, scandals, dirty little secrets…somebody stop me!

O.K. Enough.

Ever since the 2010 Olympics there are no more Scragsvilles. Everything in Canada is glorious…and free.

Canada now owns hockey, as well as a brand-new boisterous nationalism.

And here I am, getting ready to bail.

No travelogue would be complete without the day-by-day account (even if posted in reverse order) of preparations.

Monday March 1

George has his nose immersed in his German grammar book. A week from now he has to shlep down to Montreal and to the Goethe Institut and pass a German language exam.

I’m glad it’s not me. The only phrase I know is: Ich habe kein scheisspapier.

For the life of me I can’t remember where I picked that one up.