Ilze Berzins

WARNING: Just another boring real estate post. Nothing Parisian about my life these days.


Yes, that’s a big word. If I remember right, at one point in official politics, the implementation of multiculturalism became a no-no.

But who am I to remember what particular stance was taken by what particular political group?

This is still a real estate story, all be it with a multicultural angle.

I have before my eyes the lovely realtor who ate up my time today. I did meet her, fleetingly, as she was showing my home to a buyer. I could not help but remark on her superb head-dress. She appeared to be a female version of a Sufi Whirling Dervish.

The difficulty is that I’m not able to pick up on the subtle ticks, as it were, the signals sent non-verbally from one culture to another. I feel at a disadvantage, like a ‘fish’ (is that the word for a loser poker player?).

WARNING: This post will take you away from the enchantment of Paris to the netherworld of Ottawa Real Estate practice. It is not suitable for the faint-hearted.

As you know,

I have decided to sell my house on my own. No agents. But try as ya may ya ain’t rid of em.

Just today I received e-mail from a lovely real estate lady who asked me if I was related to Andre Berzins.

Now, what has that got to do with the price of tea in China, so to speak?

I guess it’s manipulation, sucking up, getting on my right side. If she only knew what I think of my brother! 

But since I’m committed to documenting this real estate experience, blow by blow, I feel that every little bit adds to the great big awful picture.

And here is another little bit:

The real estate lovely who e-mailed me today is a Social Worker AND a Lawyer.

And since this post is about family, I must add that my brother is a lawyer and my sister-in-law is a social worker.

But to be both!!!

And to wind up as a real estate agent!

This is a Canadian tragedy!

So you would think.

But I’m still getting e-mails from this social worker/lawyer/real estate agent.

She’s angry. Aren’t they all?

You’d think selling real estate was a testosterone-induced game.

Not so.

In my experience, the vast majority of players are female.

Males seem to be called to real estate by default.

Just in the few weeks I’ve been involved with these folk I’ve heard one tale of woe after another.

When things went south in the .com biz, a number of guys were down on their luck. Temporarily. A few courses, an exam and presto! .com guys reinvented themselves.

Believe it or not, one fellow actually told my husband and me that he was called to real estate to help people.

 I much prefer my first ‘love’ as I cheerfully call him (we have made up) who said: “Your house is meat on the hook for me. I work for myself.”